Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and Veer Pahariya in the lead roles, is all set for its big release ahead of Republic Day. It has the flavor of patriotism, and since Akshay has delivered hits with such films, hopes are pinned on this upcoming Bollywood biggie. However, as far as the opening day is concerned, the film is in a bad situation and needs a massive turnaround at the Indian box office. Keep reading for a detailed day 1 advance booking report!
Directed by Sandeep Kewlani and Abhishek Anil Kapur, the upcoming Bollywood action drama is scheduled to release on January 24. It is based on India’s retaliatory attack on the Sargodha airbase of Pakistan with a backdrop of the Indo-Pakistani air war of 1965. Usually, patriotic films based on true events generate curiosity among the audience, but this time, it seems that the poor run of Akshay is impacting the film’s overall buzz.
In the last couple of years, Akshay Kumar has suffered from a negative perception that his back-to-back disasters have created. He’s searching for a solid box office winner, and with Sky Force, he’ll be hoping for a comeback. With positive word-of-mouth, the film might do wonders in the long run, but at least in terms of day 1 collection, it is heading for a poor start.
As of 10:00 am IST, Sky Force has sold tickets worth 17.35 lakh gross (excluding blocked seats) at the Indian box office through day 1 advance booking. This is an extremely poor number, considering the scale of the film. For those who don’t know, Sarfira had sold 75 lakh for the opening day. Akshay’s upcoming biggie has sold just 23.13% of Sarfira’s total pre-sales, which itself was a poor opener.
Across the country, the film has sold over 9,400 tickets for day 1, with over 4,100 tickets sold at national cinema chains (PVR INOX and Cinepolis). Among states, Delhi is leading the advance booking by selling tickets worth 8.57 lakh gross, followed by Maharashtra’s 5.17 lakh gross.
Only 2,400 shows have been allocated to Sky Force as of now, and the number will increase significantly by the end of the day.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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