Zayed Khan made a promising Bollywood debut with the 2003 film Chura Liya Hai Tumne which was followed by the blockbuster Main Hoon Na opposite Shah Rukh Khan. While it was believed that the actor’s career would skyrocket soon after that, it instead witnessed a downward graph. He delivered a string of flops after which he chose to take an indefinite sabbatical from the movies. However, despite that, the actor established a net worth of more than 1000 crores which is a testimony to a stellar financial planning.
Zayed Khan’s Journey
Zayed Khan is the son of veteran actor Sanjay Khan. After his debut with Chura Liya Hai Tumne, he went on to appear in Main Hoon Na and Dus, both of which were box office successes. However, soon after that all of his movies like Mission Istanbul, Tezz, Fight Club, Yuvvraj, Blue, Love Breakups Zindagi and others turned out to box office flops. His last film was the 2015 film Sharafat Gayi Tel Lene which was also a disaster at the box office. After a brief hiatus, he made a comeback with the TV show Haasil opposite Nikita Dutta and Vatsal Sheth.
Zayed Khan’s Net Worth
Despite a dismal film career which mostly consisted of box office flops, Zayed Khan built an impressive net worth for himself. According to Hindustan Times, the Anjaana Anjaani actor invested in many businesses and startups over the years. According to a recent report in ET Now, Zayed’s net worth for the year 2024 is reportedly around 1500 crore. If this number is indeed true, this means that the actor enjoys a larger net worth than the likes of Prabhas, Allu Arjun, Ram Charan and Ranbir Kapoor.
For the unversed, Prabhas and Allu Arjun enjoy a net worth of 400 crores and 350 crores respectively. While Ram Charan’s net worth is reportedly 1300 crore. At the same time, Ranbir Kapoor’s net worth is around 550 crores. Well, Zayed Khan’s mammoth net worth proves the many benefits of a stable financial planning and savings.
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