Vettaiyan continues to battle at the Indian box office. Starring Rajinikanth in the leading role, the film also made a lot of noise as it marked Amitabh Bachchan’s debut in the Tamil industry. The action drama continues to add footfalls, although on the lower end. Scroll below to know what the early trends suggest for day 14.
TJ Gnanavel‘s directorial was released in theatres on October 10, 2024, a day before Dussehra. The advance booking sales were promising, as the pre-release hype was massive, and the promos were well received. Unfortunately, the film could not live upto the expectations as many found the storyline predictable.
Box Office Collection Day 14
As per the early trends flowing in, Vettaiyan has earned in the range of 1.70 on day 14. It has witnessed a fall of around 5% compared to 1.80 crores minted on the second Monday. The overall box office collections will stand somewhere between 141.73 crores.
Vettaiyan is now only 8.27 crores away from the 150 crore mark. Ideally, that milestone should have been unlocked much before, but as they say, it’s better late than never!
The lifetime collections are predicted to wrap up around the 175 crore mark. Given the current run, the film will not be able to hit the double century. Besides, with multiple releases around Diwali, Rajinikanth and Amitabh Bachchan starrer may get washed out of theatres.
Rajinikanth to compensate for losses?
Vettaiyan was reportedly made on a budget of 300 crores. The film has not even reached the halfway mark yet, leading to massive losses for the production company, Lyca Productions.
If the gossip mill is to be believed, Rajinikanth may have to make another film with the producers, charging only a minimal salary to compensate for the losses. There’s been no confirmation around the rumor yet!