It’s been a tough week for Amitabh Bachchan and Rajinikanth led Vettaiyan. There’s been a drastic reduction in footfalls, and the action drama is close to crashing at the Indian box office. Saturday has come with some cheer as there’s been a slight improvement in box office collection. Scroll below to know what the early trends suggest for day 10.
Vettaiyan was released a day ahead of Dussehra on October 10, 2024. It made an impressive opening at the Indian box office, followed by a good 4-day extended weekend of 106 crores in all languages. Unfortunately, the downfall began on the first Monday as collections fell by over 70%. The graph continues to witness a negative trend since.
Box Office Collection Day 10
As per the early trends flowing in, Rajinikanth and Amitabh Bachchan starrer has made earnings in the range of 4.20-4.40 crores on the second Saturday in all languages. It has witnessed a growth of 61-69% compared to 2.60 crores earned on day 9. The overall collection in the domestic market comes to around 130.50-130.70 crores.
Take a look at the day-wise breakdown of Vettaiyan below:
- Day 1 – 32 crores
- Day 2 – 24 crores
- Day 3 – 27 crores
- Day 4 – 23 crores
- Day 5 – 5.35 crores
- Day 6: 4.41 crores
- Day 7: 4.17 crores
- Day 8: 3.10 crores
- Day 9: 2.60 crores
- Day 10: 4.20-4.40 crores (estimates)
Will fail to recover its budget
Despite the initial plan of a 200 crore budget, the costs reportedly shot up with the inclusion of Amitabh Bachchan and Fahadh Faasil. Vettaiyan makers spent a whopping 300 crore to make the action drama. The film is far from recovering its basic cost, which means Lyca Productions will face major losses.