The Great Indian Kapil Show in the fifth episode featured the Fabulous Lives VS Bollywood Wives star cast. While Kapil Sharma welcomed Maheep Kapoor, Seema Kiran Sachdev, Bhavana Chunky Pandey, Neelam Kothari, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, Kalyani Saha Chawla, and Shalini Passi on his laughter chat show, there was neither laughter nor chat in this show!
It is such a waste to witness 7 biggest socialites and elites from Delhi’s business life and Mumbai’s star wives sit together and talk about absolutely nothing. While the jokes did not land, in fact they just toppled over, there was absolutely no chat!
In an episode of almost an hour, nothing happened. I waited for stories and for jokes but none of them arrived, atleast for the most of the part of the episode. I am not sure what was the content for this one hour if nothing happened but it surely did not!
There were two very small stories about Maheep Kapoor and Bhavna Pandey’s Karwa Chauth. A quiz about Delhi VS Mumbai and an act by Sunil Grover that stayed for some time. However, all of it was as good as the snooze mode of an alarm clock. In fact, if every snooze could be laughter, then you surely would not have woken up in this episode.
This, despite bringing a cast so big, this episode of Kapil Sharma‘s show turned out an utter failure. In fact, there was not even any considerable chat about the show they were promoting – Fabulous Lives VS Bollywood Wives.
If compared this episode with last season’s Heeramandi episode of The Great Indian Kapil Show, this one disappoints a big time! The Heeramandi episode also had the entire ensemble bringing out great and entertaining stories about themselves in the limited time. But this episode doesn’t offer any such entertainment!
In his act, Krushna Abhishek calls Fabulous Lives VS Bollywood Wives as ‘Chuglion ka show.’ Imagine having the entire cast of a gossip show, on a chat show but still not carve out a single gossip from seven women! An utter failure indeed!