The sequel to the video game adaptation of Uncharted, starring Tom Holland, is officially under development as confirmed by Sony Pictures executive Steven O’Dell. Based on the Naughty Dog video game franchise, the original 2022 movie follows a young thief Nathan Drake, who is recruited by seasoned treasure hunter Victor Sullivan to find the fabled fortune that once belonged to Ferdinand Magellan. In addition to Holland, Mark Wahlberg starred as Sully with other notable performers like Sophia Ali, Antonio Banderas, Tati Gabrielle, and Rudy Pankow.
After two years, the video game is officially releasing its sequel movie as confirmed during Sony’s presentation at the 2024 CineEurope trade show. Steven O’Dell acknowledged various upcoming projects among which was a sequel to the Holland-starring Uncharted.
After the success of the first film which grossed over $407 million at the box office, the sequel is expected to follow the continuing adventures of Nathan Drake and Victor Sullivan. Following the ending of Uncharted, which revealed that Nate’s brother Sam is alive and in prison, the sequel might pick up from there as Nate will go on another adventure to find his brother.
Although no release date or cast has been announced, Holland and Wahlberg are expected to return for a sequel. Hinting at his return, Wahlberg revealed in February that he was told to start growing a mustache for his reprising role as Sully. He said, “I just got a call today that they got the script in,” adding that they asked him to “Start growing your mustache. It’s gonna take a while.”
Released in 2022, Uncharted didn’t exactly adapt the source material, rendering it as an imitation of action-adventure movies like Indiana Jones. However, the movie surprisingly performed well in theaters following major delays due to the Covid pandemic. Regarding its box office earnings, the movie became the fifth-highest-grossing video game adaption of all time.