Munjya is having a dream run at the box office, and by the look of things, it will stay like that for quite some time now. Even on its fifth day, the film scored huge, with 4.21 crores more coming in. On Monday, the film brought in 4.11 crores, so there is practically no drop. Since the day of the film’s release, the trend has been super strong and the kind of numbers that are coming now on weekdays pretty much set it up for the long run.
Audiences have lapped up Munjya with glee and because this is not really a core horror movie but has a liberal dose of comedy and drama in there as well, it has turned out to be a good cocktail of entertainment for the audiences. To think of it, this one isn’t a perfect entertainer, and in fact, there are portions in the film where you do wish the narrative was touter. However, as is the case, when films are accepted by the audiences to begin with, then there is no stopping, and they too gladly accept the entertainment in store as long as it’s worth their couple of hours.
The film has now reached 28.36 crores, and it’s pretty much confirmed that the first week will end around the 35 crore mark. The real fun would be in the second weekend, though, because if it ends up trending similar to that of the first week, then it could go just about anywhere.