This is turning out to be Rajkummar Rao’s season. While his Srikanth is doing quite well, his upcoming film Mr. & Mrs. Mahi is set to open at least double that this Friday. While Srikanth’s first-day collections were 2.41 crore, indications are that Mr. & Mrs. Mahi will comfortably get into the 5 crore zone.
That’s because of two factors. First and foremost, there is Cinema Lovers Day, and with tickets available for just Rs. 99, traditionally, such offers have paid very good dividends. Secondly, there is also genuine interest amongst a segment of audiences to catch the film, and this offer will only accentuate the footfalls further. Mr. & Mrs. Mahi would have otherwise opened around 2-3 crore mark comfortably, and while that would still have been just a fair number, something around 5 crore would be more than just decent and give a solid footing to the film to build on.
In fact if the word of mouth around the film catches up faster and it’s indeed good then it won’t be surprising if even 6 crores mark is crossed. That would be not just good for Rajkummar Rao but also Janhvi Kapoor whose last theatrical release was Mili (2022) that had gone unnoticed. Though she has seen a few OTT releases in the interim period, she would certainly be looking at Mr. & Mrs. Mahi to do the trick theatrically.