The former Indian actress, Zaira Wasim, took to social media to share a heartbreaking piece of news with her followers. She revealed that her father is no more in the world and asked everyone to remember him in their prayers. She also prayed and urged god to forgive his mistakes. Keep reading to know more!
Zaira Wasim’s short career and shocking exit
Zaira made her big screen debut with Aamir Khan’s Dangal (2016). She played Geeta (childhood) in the film and received appreciation from all around for her portrayal. The film was a huge box office success, and it earned Zaira popularity. After that, she was a part of Secret Superstar. Zaira last acted in The Sky Is Pink, and in June 2019, she made a shocking announcement about her retirement. She made the decision due to her religious beliefs and faith.
Death of Zaira’s father
It was yesterday that Zaira Wasim took to her Instagram stories and informed her followers about her father’s death. However, the reason for the death is unknown. She wrote, “My father, Zahid Wasim, has passed away. Please remember him in your prayers and ask Allah to forgive his shortcomings, make his grave peaceful, protect him from its torment, ease his journey from here ahead, and grant him the highest level of Jannah and Maghrirah.”
Zaira Wasim mourned the loss of her co-starIn February this year, the news of Suhani Bhatnagar’s death shocked the entire entertainment industry. For those who don’t know, Suhani played the role of Babita in her childhood. She passed away on 17th February 2024, at the age of 19, due to a disease called Dermatomyositis.
Reacting to the heartbreaking news, Zaira Wasim said, “I’m shocked beyond words by the news of Suhani Bhatnagar’s passing. My heart goes out to her family during this incredibly difficult time. The thought of what her parents must be experiencing fills me with so much sorrow. Utterly speechless. My heartfelt condolences.”